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Almond soup west african peanut soup style

Almond Butter Soup (almond version of West African peanut butter soup)

This Almond Butter Soup is an almond version of West African peanut butter soup. Authentic West African peanut butter soup is made with minimal ingredient! Mainly  fresh ground toasted peanut, tomatoes and couple seasonings. Please note that the authentic west African peanut soup, never ever has whole peanut in it!

The good thing about this soup is you can add or substitute ingredients to tailor it to your likeness.

This soup is my kids favorite foufou soup. I am glad none of my family has peanut allergy but I decided to try this soup with almond to see how taste and flavor will be like.

I was just about to cook peanut butter soup and open the pantry and saw an almond butter jar and said to myself why not!

Which Almond butter to use?

The process is the same if you cooked peanut sauce before with peanut butter from the jar! Although I preferred fresh ground peanut of powdered peanut over butter in a jar! Check my amazon store for the  brand of almond butter used in this recipe. You can ground your own almond for this almond version too. Why reinvent the wheel!


The key to making this soup successfully is to cook the almond butter in liquid preferably meat of veggie stock for a long time or until the liquid is homogeneous.

This soup can be adapted vegan by not using meat at all. For me this soup is an occasion to used up leftover cook meat. For the below recipe I have smoked turkey leg, Stew beef, and stew beef tripe available in my fridge.

When you have precooked meat available in the fridge making delicious weeknight dinner doesn’t take much time.

For all the people with skin that breaks out easily after consuming peanut, this soup is a great alternative if they love peanut soup.

Almond soup west african peanut soup style


Precook meat of your choice (optional)

4 cups of (flavorful meat or veggie stock)

½ cup of almond butter

1 teaspoon of tomato paste

½ cups of diced tomatoes

2 tablespoons of onion puree or powder

2 tablespoons of ginger puree or powder

1/2 teaspoon of hot pepper paste (depending on hot pepper tolerance)

4 green whole habaneros ( for garnish and flavor)

1 tablespoon of black pepper

Bouillon (optional)

Salt to taste



In a food processor blend in the almond butter with one warm cup of the veggie/ meat stock or just warm water

Almond Butter Soup (almond version of West African peanut butter soup)


Pour the mixture in your cooking pan add in the rest of the liquid and bring to a boil.


Let the liquid boil for about 10 minute or until you see that it is very homogenous and well cooked

Almond Butter Soup (almond version of West African peanut butter soup)


Add the precooked meat, ginger, onion and hot pepper paste. Then let it boil for another 10 minutes.

Almond soup west african peanut soup style


Add the diced tomato the whole habanero, bouillon, salt and cook for another 5 minutes

Almond soup west african peanut soup style


Add the black pepper and remove the soup from the stove.
Serve with rice, fufu, couscous or as is.

Almond Butter Soup (almond version of West African peanut butter soup)

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