Cabbage Crunchy Stew
So full of nutrients, Vitamin C and antioxidant, cabbage is such a great vegetable. This stew taste better when the cabbage is not overcooked, you still need a but of crungchiness in your cabbage. You do not need lot of liquid to get to your desired softeness. When your pot is well covered, vapor and the bit of liquid sure is enaough for a quick cooking. I kept this recipe oil free, feel free to use a little bit of oil to fry your tomatoes. If you do not have broth, water is great, but you might need to add some salt to taste. So for this recipe what you need is:
1 Cabbage (cut in chunck and core removed)
4 cups of fresh tomato diced (seeds removed)
1 medium onion diced
1 tablespoon of ginger paste
1 tablespoon of onion paste
1 tablespoon of garlic paste
1 cup of vegetable broth or water
1 cup of scliced carrot
1 tablespoon of bouillon (to taste)
1 green bell pepper sliced
1 hot pepper (optional)