Easy baked whole fish and chimichurri
This easy baked whole fish is always a delight. Click here for recipe video. I love making whole fish mostly on weekends. Probably because there is more work in cleaning the fish. Luckily there are numerous market like Asian store and African store that sell whole clean fish. I usually buy these whole clean fish boxes that I store in my freezer in a quarterly basis. If I need to cook a whole fish I will just defrost it and clean it thoroughly. When I say clean it thoroughly I mean removing extra impurity that might have been left, like the intestine, some scale.
How to clean the whole fish:
Lime is mostly what my grandma use to clean all kind of fresh whole fish with skin on.
If I need to cook a whole fish I will just defrost it and clean it thoroughly. Remove the intestine and scale. When possible remove caudal fin, anal fin, pelvic fin, dorsal fin, lateral line, gill cover and gill. To rinse the fish of extra impurity, use a juice of whole lime and utilize the lime as sponge to clean the whole outside and head of the fish.
Rinse fish of the lime liquid then pat it dry.
Now your fish is ready to be cooked the way you want it!
For the below recipe, you will need:
- Clean fish
- Savourous wild for salmon salt-free seasoning
- Chimichurri sauce
- Salt & bouillon to taste

Clean whole fish (about 1-2 pounds)
4 tablespoons of your favorite fish seasoning (savourous wild for salmon seasoning)
4 tablespoons of cooking oil
Salt and bouillon to taste
1/2 cup of chimichurri sauce
Mix the fish seasoning with salt, bouillon and oil, then coat your clean fish with the mixture.

Bake the fish at 400F for 5 mins, then brush both side with about 2 tablespoons of chimichurri sauce

Put the fish back in the oven and cook at 400F for 10 mins, then brush both sides again with a bit of chimichurri sauce.
Put the fish back in the oven again and bake at 400F for another 5 mins.
Remove and top with chimichurri and serve with your favorite side or as is.