Keto Lowcarb, Grain-free, Banku Emaku
If you like banku but your body function better on a low carbohydrate diet, this recipe is for you! I was introduced to this keto banku about a year ago by a neighbor. Since being on my wellness journey, I’ve decided to share it with you with my own personal twist.
All you will need is 3 ingredients: Psyllium husk powder, coconut flour, apple cider vinegar.
Psyllium husk
Psyllium husk is of course the husk of psyllium seeds. The psyllium is a popular plant whose seeds are used commercially for the production of mucilage. This Psyllium is mostly used as a dietary fiber to help ease symptoms of constipation, or help stop mild diarrhea. It is also used as a food thickener and is a popular ingredient in some breakfast cereal.
The psyllium husk is indeed just fiber as any grain husk! The psyllium husk powder I used in this recipe is available here!
Coconut flour
Coconut flour is a gluten free “flour” that is obtained from real organic coconut. It is made from the coconut residues that are left over after the coconut milk is removed from the dried coconut meat. The solids residue is dried and ground into a very fine, flour-like powder. The low carb high fiber coconut flour is popular in gluten free and low-carb baking. You can purchase your coconut powder here.
Apple cider vinegar
The cider is used to give the banku its sour taste. You can use white vinegar, but I prefer apple cider vinegar for its health benefits.


Do not use too much psyllium husk powder in your recipe in order
to avoid gummy banku! If you like ewokume you can opt out using the apple cider.
Red Snapper fish stew with a side of boiled okra.
Love this! Thanks for sharing.