Stove top pizza with 360 Cookware
Having the best equipment always makes a difference! I never thought about making a pizza without an oven!
Use code SAVOUROUS20 for 20% off your orders on all 360 cookware products.
My mom never trust my fancy oven with complicated manual and prefer making all her meal on the stove. Investing in a long lasting quality cookware is always my thing. I recently received 360 cookware pan to test and though it was another pan like the fancy expensive one I already owned. Well, I was about to discover interesting things about this brand!
360 cookware an innovative water-less cookware with vapor technology!
These cookware are hand Crafted in USA by an American-owned company. A Green-Manufacturing company based in Wisconsin IL.
An innovative technology generating a vapor seal that help distribute temperatures evenly. This technique re-directs natural moisture of food back into foods. A high quality, surgical-grade stainless steel pieces that are heirlooms.
Not only cooking with this ensure me that no chemical is leaking into my food, the product is high temperature.
Below are some features I like about this cookware:
- Go from stove top to oven
- Induction ready
- Easy to clean
- Quality surgical grade material
- Bake cake on stove
- Healthy cooking
- Oil less cooking
- Bake pizza
The below recipe is my 20 minutes from freezer to dinner table ready stove top pizza. The result was a crunchy toasty crust with moist and bubbly toppings. I lined up the pan with baking paper for precaution. I was avoiding burning the crust. This also made it easier to remove pizza from the pan once cooked! The key is to set the heat to medium low!
I hope you will love this recipe also and will give this 360 cookware a try. Use code SAVOUROUS20 for 20% off your orders on all 360 cookware products.
