Currently Browsing: Favorite Recipes 73 articles

Savourous’s Favorite Recipes


Apple Arugula Kiwi Lemon Smoothie

The health benefit and the taste of this smoothie made it my number one choice of smoothie. Not too sweet, it has the sour taste of an apple and kiwi. This green smoothie is a great afternoon snack when you just got home or after your afternoon run.


Nugbagba or Togolese Fried Tomato stew (ngbagba)

This recipe is most very popular in west part of Africa. You eat this spicy fried tomatoes sauce with almost everything. There are multiple variant to this recipe. It can be done with different oil such us palm oil, vegetal oil, canola, peanut oil. I like coconut oil better for its health benefit.


African Wild Yam Soufflé

Nothing says yummy like this African wild yam soufflé

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